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CareTech operates the largest portfolio of special education needs schools and colleges, and Children’s residential services, in the UK.

Some children and young people with complex requirements need to live in specialised residential services and receive specialist education. As far as practicable, we aim to help these children move into a family style environment. This segment contains children’s residential care homes, which includes facilities for children with learning difficulties and emotional behavioural disorders and specialist schools. CareTech operates services that cater for local needs but also operates highly specialised services that have a national catchment. 

CareTech MENA
CareTech MENA

CareTech MENA invests in, partners with and operates services within the specialist education, social care and healthcare sectors in the Middle East North Africa region.

CareTech MENA Governance and Leadership
CareTech MENA Governance and Leadership

Members of the Supervisory and Leadership Board for CareTech MENA.